miniPCR bio is turning 10!

We are thrilled and honored to celebrate a significant milestone in our journey today—the tenth anniversary of miniPCR bio! It feels like just yesterday when our team embarked on a mission to make science accessible where it wasn’t possible before. Looking back on the incredible progress we’ve made, we are filled with gratitude.

When we founded miniPCR bio in 2013, our vision was clear: to democratize scientific discovery and empower curious minds across the globe. We recognized the need to break down barriers and create a platform that would bring the wonders of molecular biology within reach for students, teachers, and researchers alike.

When we founded miniPCR bio in 2013, our vision was clear: to democratize scientific discovery and empower curious minds across the globe.

Over the past decade, miniPCR bio has become a symbol of innovation, impact, and inclusion in the scientific community. Our technology has been adopted in thousands of classrooms, universities, and research labs around the world. From remote communities with limited resources to renowned institutions, and even on the International Space Station, miniPCR has bridged the gap between curiosity and discovery. We are incredibly proud of the impact we have had, the lives we have touched, and the future scientists we have inspired.

None of this would have been possible without the unwavering support of our dedicated community. To our customers, partners, educators, researchers, and students—thank you. Your trust, feedback, and enthusiasm have been the driving force behind our success. It is your collective passion for science and education that has propelled us forward, and we are incredibly grateful.

To our customers, partners, educators, researchers, and students—thank you.

As we reflect on the past ten years, we are also filled with excitement for what lies ahead. We remain committed to innovating and making science even more accessible and impactful. We will continue to develop cutting-edge technologies, expand our educational resources, and forge new partnerships that empower and inspire.

This milestone is not just a celebration of our past achievements—it is a testament to the endless curiosity that lies within each and every one of us. We are honored to have you by our side on this incredible journey, and we can’t wait to see what the next ten years hold.

Thank you for being part of the miniPCR bio family. Here’s to a decade of innovation, empowerment, and a future where science knows no boundaries.

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